The Latest Reports on Betsy DeVos Scamming For-Profit College Students | Blog
ITT and Corinthian Borrowers Continue to Fight for Relief as the Department of Education Skirts the Law Every Step of the Way
US Department of Education Violates Court Order by Illegally Collecting From Defrauded Former Corinthian Students | Statement
The US Department of Education has ignored the injunction ordered it to stop collecting on the loans of defrauded Corinthian College students who filed for borrower defense.
Student Loan Truth: Jessica's Art Institute Story | Blog
I’m beyond disappointed about the fact that the government isn’t doing anything to stop these schools from defrauding students in the first place. The fact that there is no protection for a vulnerable 21 year old signing a loan for the first time and being taken advantage of isn’t fair or responsible. You shouldn’t need a lawyer to be able to go to college.
My Student Loan Truth: Theresa’s Brooks Institute Story | Blog
When Theresa graduated from the Brooks Institute in 2006, she never imagined that she would find herself suing the U.S. Department of Education years later over her student loan debt. This is her story.
Servicers Are Wrongly Denying Closed School Discharges to Art Institute of Phoenix Students. Why? | Blog
Borrowers are eligible for a closed school discharge as long as they didn’t complete their program or transfer credits to a comparable program and were enrolled within 120 days of the schools’ closure date—in this case, December 14, 2018.
Project on Predatory Student Lending Director Toby Merrill Honored By American Constitution Society | Blog
Project on Predatory Student Lending Director and founder Toby Merrill was honored as a finalist for the prestigious David Carliner Public Interest Award by the American Constitution Society.
In the Fight for Student Loan Relief | Blog
For years, Corinthian Colleges, a network of over one hundred for-profit schools, defrauded students to rake in profits from taxpayer-funded federal student aid. Tens of thousands of students—many the first in their families to seek out higher education—were promised serious career training and job prospects, but left Corinthian’s campuses with little more than thousands of dollars in debt.
My Student Loan Truth: Wilfredo’s Art Institute Story | Blog
Wilfredo Morales attended the Art Institute of York in Alabama, which promised him a degree and a job in graphic design. Instead, the school convinced Wilfredo AND his mother to take out massive student loans, and failed to deliver an education.
Mayor Pete Answers My Question About Predatory For-Profit Colleges | Blog
Last Saturday, I went to a town hall in New Hampshire hoping for the opportunity to ask Pete Buttigieg one question: Would he encourage his education department to cancel federal student debt from predatory for-profit colleges?