
MarketWatch: Trump inherits a $1.6 trillion student-loan crisis. What he does next will impact millions of borrowers.
Coverage Annamaria Orlandi Coverage Annamaria Orlandi

MarketWatch: Trump inherits a $1.6 trillion student-loan crisis. What he does next will impact millions of borrowers.

‘“It’s so draconian,” Connor said of proposals to limit or repeal borrower defense. “It would put student-loan borrowers in a worse place than any other kind of borrower, and it’s such an odd thing to do in the context of a lending program that is both meant to facilitate an educated workforce and populace, but also where the loans are the device of access that we’ve settled on.”’

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POLITICO: Supreme Court to review decision on student borrower defense case
Coverage Annamaria Orlandi Coverage Annamaria Orlandi

POLITICO: Supreme Court to review decision on student borrower defense case

“The reason the administration wanted the Supreme Court to look at the case is because it’s fundamentally wrong and stripping away a critical protection for students that Congress inarguably authorized,” Eileen Connor, the president of PPSL said in an interview on Friday. “I hope this will be an opportunity to correct the 5th Circuit.”

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